In the movie that we can see in the each-one-teach-one-school, there are Hispanic, African American,and some minority in the class, except the white pepople. This situation makes up wondering the education attainment rate in the concerning of the race.
Why there is no white student in the class? The obvious answer is that the education system can not totally give a hand to those minorities in the school. As a result, they have no way but to turn to ask help from the each-one-teach-one school. The situation indicates the existing problem of the education distributing. Besides, another problem that the minority people can not fit in the society is the main reason of the lading academic performance in school.
The statistic is from the wedsite:
NOTE: (—) = not available.
1. Includes persons of Hispanic origin for years prior to 1980.
2. Data for years prior to 1993 include all persons with at least 4 years of high school.
3. Data for 1993 and later years are for persons with a bachelor's or higher degree.
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, U.S. Census of Population, 1960, Vol. 1, part 1; Current Population Reports, Series P-20 and unpublished data; and 1960 Census Monograph, “Education of the American Population,” by John K. Folger and Charles B. Nam. From U.S. Dept. of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics 2007, and U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, March 2007.
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